When you receive a spreadsheet, it will be in a format similar to this. Please note, every spreadsheet is different and may not look exactly like the example below:
To import the leads, you will want to have a copy of our upload template. You can download a copy of it here:
When you open up the template, you will see several headers.
Each header is a field in your eMax system. Please note that depending on your data, you will not need all of the headers. Simply copy the header in our template to the column headers in your own spreadsheet. Please copy them exactly as they are listed and do not add any spaces or change cases. The formatting in the system is very exact and changing anything will cause the field to not import.
So in the example spreadsheet the column “First Name” will become “FirstName” and “Last Name” will become “LastName” etc.
For the “LeadGroupID” field, you will need to type in the name of LeadGroup you wish to import the leads into and we will make sure they are placed into that LeadGroup. If you need to add a new LeadGroup to import them into, you can add it under the Workflow then LeadGroup tab.
If you have data you wish to import, but do not see a header listed on the template, simply type a new header, place the new data in that field as listed below, and let us know you wish to have a new field added to your candidate profile. Our development team will add the field for you.
For the most part, you can ignore these columns. But if you have a particular need to have the leads imported in a way so that they are set to setting other than the default settings, you can note it here. This is particularly useful when importing leads from a prior database and you wish to preserve the integrity of the data. Please note in order to use these fields properly, you must denote which Owner/Sale Status/Disposition/Rating you wish to have the lead set to. The Owner/Sale Status/Disposition/Rating must also be available to select in Lead Management. If you leave these columns blank, all leads will be imported with the default owner, sales status, disposition, and rating.
Please make sure there are no hidden columns or rows in your spreadsheet and that the columns progress in an A, B, C… order and that there are no gaps. Leaving columns hidden will cause the import to fail and will prevent the leads from entering your system in a timely manner. If there is data on your spreadsheet that you do not need imported, please delete it from your spreadsheet before sending to us so as to prevent any confusion or delay of implementation.
Once you have created the template in the correct format, please send it to us using our form and we will upload it for you.